Before we had children -
when life consisted of my beloved and myself...
Before we had children -
and the children took the room, where once there were just two…
Before we had children –
and we could use our time to whatever we wished…
Then my beloved and I spent
hours and hours in front of the computer
each and every evening...
We role played on the internet – “Everquest.”
I was a little Warrior cat…
A brave little warrior, who fought hard battles…
My beloved was a Cleric –
a bold little dwarf with healing powers…
Every now and then my warrior cat got wounded -
and then the cleric was there with his healing words…
Every now and then my warrior cat was close to death -
then the dwarf was there – with the ultimate spell -
“Complete Healing”…
Little brother…
Little brother is also a warrior…
A brave little warrior, who fights hard battles…
Little brother fights every day, and gets hurt…
But Dad is no bold dwarf -
no cleric with healing words that can fix everything…
Actually – Little Brother has real clerics on his team…
But none of them have Complete Healing…

Inagh 2005
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