Little brother is soon to be 14 months -
and he is to do his exercises -
exercise moving his legs -
exercise moving his arms -
exercise holding his head up high…
Little brother is soon to be 14 monts,
but Little brother can not hold his head up high.
Red mat -white chlothes.
A whitle little bundle of Little brother
who does not control his body -
who does not control his will…
Red mat - white little body.
Starting easily – soft exercises -
nice and fun exercises.
“Row, row, row your boat…”
Mummy is singing.
Little brother can’t hear me.
Still – Mummy’s singing.
And Mummy rows legs.
”Merrily, merrily, merrily...”
Mummy sings – and rocks.
Back and forth again – back and forth again.
Little brother can’t hear that mummy sings,
but Little brother enjoys exercising his legs.
A soft, little smile – a swift smile.
Little brother doesn’t smile too often, but it happens.
Exercising the arms.
“Little brother is soooo big!"
Arms are lifted above the head.
“Little brother is sooo big!"
Little brother does not enoy exercising his arms.
He makes faces - wrinkles his nose.
“Liverpool -Yea! ManU - Buuu!”
Arms up, and arms down.
“Liverpool - Yea! ManU - Buuu!”
Hey – that was more fun.
a little more happy wrinkles above the nose.
a little bit more sparkling in the eyes.
Now – let’s feel.
Little brother’s body is curled as in a knot.
Hands get to feel feet and toes.
Toes being put in the mouth.
Fingers being put in the mouth.
“These are your fingers, Little brother.
Taste your fingers!”
Little brother doesn’t bother about tasting...
Some massage.
Face, arms, tights, calves.
”Hm... not too bad,” Little brother thinks…
At least this is what Mummy thinks that Little brother is thinking…
The soft, nice and fun exercises are over.
Now the real works start.
The aim – what we one day hope to achieve -
what we one day in the future hope to take for granted…
When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up hig!
Little brother is laying on his back -
Mummy lifts one of his arms above his head.
she takes a good grip at Little brother’s hip -
and one, and two, and three… “Little brother is turing around -
he has to bring his head along as we go.
Phew – this is heavy stuff.
Still – there he is on his belly.
Nose rubbing the red mat.
Drooling. Little brother’s huffing and puffing.
Struggeling, moaning.
After a while he manages to turn his head to one side…
Some more huffing and puffing.
Little brother does not enjoy lying on his belly.
Consentrating – real hard...
And then – THERE – Little brother is raising his head!
For 4-5 seconds he holds his head up high – in triumph -
before it bumps back down at the red mat once again.
Little brother is tired…
Mummy is proud…
When you walk through the storm –
Hold your head up high…

Inagh 2006
From the blog Inagh og gutta
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