They can not perform miracles at SSE, but after all, it is there the expertise on epilepsy in Norway is gathered. We have had a large amount of help, support and understanding from the doctors and staff there.
When Vegard first met them, in September 2005, he was on a medication of Orfiril and Fenemal, which had replaced the disastrous Rivotril. He was a small, undernourished child. The slightest bug sent him right to hospital, he had problems with eating and he cried a lot. He also showed signs of not wanting to be touched. He was still very much bothered with slime in his lunges, and had to have breathing medicines several times a day.
The mediaction has been altered and altered again – in a vain attempt to gain control of Vegard’s seizures. Topimax was added to the combination of Orfiril and Fenemal. They have also tried to give him Frisium, and then Apodorm/Nitrazepam, but nothing seemed to work. In the end Vegard was put on a combination of Keppra and Topimax, which he is still on today.

Vegard and mummy at his first video telemetry - August 2005
Mummy's little Teletubbie - June 2009
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