Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hypersensitivity of touch and periods of crying

Ever since Vegard was born, he has had periods of hypersensitivity when it comes to being touched. He would panic if he was naked, and we always had to keep parts of his body covered by a towel during changing of nappies and body wash.

This however has been much better after the fundoplication. Now Vegard loves being cuddeled, kissed and sitting in someone's arms.

We also experience periods where Vegard will cry hysterically. The only thing that used to help when Vegard was a small baby, was to tuck him in his douvet, put him in a cold and dark room and leave him alone. We had many an evening where we took turns - one of us minding the crying baby in a dark room, the other minding the two year old big brother.

Since Vegard now respond much better to touch, he can be comforted by holding him in our arms and cuddle him, speak low and friendly or sing to him. Still there are times when the only thing that will calm him down is to be put in bed.

These periods can last for days and weeks, and he will cry everything from a quarter of an hour up to hours each day. We have never figured out why he is like this.

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